My dear friend, want it or not, there is a very high likelihood that you are in a Rat Race...
...and every now and then, as you run on the same bloody track, you are reminded of this simple choice:
My journey started by participating in start-up projects. As it looped from challenges to opportunities, I discovered a few fundamentals in life which I now share with you in "Out of the Rat Race - the Quest for Financial Freedom" through many stories.
The first one, relating to financial independence, is that income is what matters. Capital can be eroded by inflation, mis-allocated by inexperience, or spent by vanity. A steady passive income for life matters a lot more, so this is what you need to engineer for yourself and your family. I will help you do this.
The second one is that strong human values and grounded life principles matter even more than income, because your future passive income is just a consequence of these. Therefore, you have to work relentlessly on yourself to become a better person. I will also help you ask the right questions.
And finally, the third one is that a meaningful purpose in life transcends all of this. You should never lose track of purpose because it is what could deliver the most rewarding exit of the Rat Race you would ever dream of. But that is for you to discover...
Welcome to my Journey!
There are many rewarding games at your disposal. If you have decided you’d like to exit the Rat Race through the financial freedom door, first you need a plan (knowledge, tools and principles), but second and most importantly, you need to play the damn games.
My dear friend,
You are about to embark on a journey, you have no idea! Do you really think it is plain sailing ahead? It is by struggling and failing and falling and getting back up that you will achieve your most ambitious and dearest projects. You think you know what they are? You have no idea! Life will change them, and life will change you.
Sit down a moment. Give me just a few hours now, for a lifetime of learning. Here is the deal and my present to you. This book is for you. It is a condensed story of the most important lessons I learned in the last twenty-five years. Some experience and wisdom that can make the difference to your very own next twenty-five years. A promise to make you a better person in a few hours’ time.
As you are clearing all hurdles, fast and furious, without any second thought, just pay attention for once. You will have plenty of time in your life to achieve what you want and more, but first and foremost, you need to understand the world around you and the world inside you. What do you stand for? Which achievements will stand true to your values? Can you engineer your future life? I know, you think you should not bother with these questions. But that’s exactly why you need me now. Getting clarity on such simple questions will determine the direction of the track on which you run. And let me tell you this right now: it’s bloody important to run on the right track!
Listen carefully my friend: there are many things you take for granted, but you should not. Even the little spare cash you have in your pocket, you think you know what it is, but really... you have no idea!
Let’s cut to the chase. I will now give you all the material you will ever need on your arduous journey to pause, reflect, analyse, take action, succeed, accept failure, learn, and improve beyond all your expectations, so that you get financially free, out of the Rat Race, and become the best possible person you could ever be. This book is your guide. As you mature and understand the world better, open it again and in the light of your new experiences and wisdom, you will be surprised to discover a treasure of new valuable lessons.
So here it is. Do you really want to get out of the Rat Race and be financially free starting from nothing and nowhere? I am afraid there is no shortcut. Only your best friend’s advice.
What are you waiting for?
Sit down, relax, and turn the bloody page!
Yours truly